Intersex conditions prove that human biological sex is not a binary, but a bimodal spectrum, as described by sexologists, biologists, and the like. There are more than two sexes, and the claim that intersex people somehow prove that sex is a binary is laughably pseudoscientific.
I also want to point out that this response you linked to is not a scientific rebuttal of my claims, it is a single researchers (Leonard Sax) published opinion on another researcher's work, and in my own opinion, fails on the count of being too restrictive.
Anne Fausto-sterling uses a definition that would have been loose back in 1993, but it is actually backed by data and evidence. Anne uses research conducted by Brown University, studies, and other information that would coincide with traits that would make someone notibly seperate from the 2 sex binary. Anne states in a post back in 2000, that:
"We scoured the medical literature for estimates of the frequency of various categories of intersexuality, from additional chromosomes to mixed gonads, hormones and genitalia. For some conditions we could find only anecdotal evidence; for most, however, numbers exist. On the basis of that evidence, we calculated that for every 1,000 children born, seventeen are intersexual in some form."
Leonard Sax disagrees with this because he believes ONLY chromosomes matter in determining intersex conditions, a view not supported by ANY anthropological organization, even in 2002 when he wrote this.
To make the flawed conclusion that "Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, and late-onset adrenal hyperplasia" is not a form of intersexuality would be to ignore all experts who claim it is. For instance, the Intersex Society of North America, the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the NHS and many more all agree that Sax's view on intersexuality is flawed and inaccurate.
There is no reason to exclude millions of people from the definition of intersex because Leonard Sax says so. Sax's view on gender is nonsensical, as he believes that there are innate psychological differences between men and women, so much so that he believes in gender-segrigated education for them.
This concept of gender segrigation has been proven to be harmful to the health and well being of all children, but especially any that are intersex, trans, or otherwise gender nonconforming. Gender segrigated schools often force boys and girls into strict gender roles, against the best interest of the child. So I am sorry if I think the opinion of Leonard Sax is useless and should be tossed in the garbage where it belongs.
Intersex people existing, at the almost 2% they do based on legitimate research and not some single guy's personal ideology, is proof that gender is a bimodal spectrum as the scientific consensus claims it to be.