Well, don't make an article about a topic when you clearly have idea what you are talking about and I won't claim how your ideas are pseudoscientific and unnecessarily harmful to a group of literally millions of people whom you attacked because you bigotedly believed all trans people acted a certain way.
The science, the biology, the psychiatry, disagrees with you. Your "logic" is illogical at best, and dangerously fradulent at worst.
And the fact that you state "I simply don't care" that your idea of logic is based off of inaccurate and misleading information, as well as makes no sense from any actually logical viewpoint. And to claim that it deals with "objective mathimatical relationships" makes no sense when the "math" you are talking about are human lives.
Humans, who your "objective math" is based on their psychiatric and biological traits. Things that are not able to be boxed into a number or calculation and swept over the whole population of humans.
In other words, your "logic" is crap, and if this is your area of study than I highly suggest you keep your day job.